Stockton Avenue Rehabilitation Project

Stockton Avenue Rehabilitation Project - Complete!
Posted on 03/15/2021

Stockton Avenue
Rehabilitation Project
Construction Phases

Phase 1
April – September 2021

Start of Surface Removal


Potable Water Lines

Industrial Sewer

Storm Drain

Remainder of Surface Removal

Phase 2
October 2021

Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutter

Rough Grading of aggregate base

Phase 3
November 2021– April 2022

Paver Installation

Striping and Signage

Site Restoration

Project Overview
The Stockton Avenue Rehabilitation project involved a complete road reconstruction from Second Street to Doak Boulevard.  The project
included repairs and replacements to several underground utilities along Stockton Avenue.  Stockton Avenue was completed in concrete pavers, 6 foot sidewalks, and striped with a middle two-way left turn lane. 

In general, most cities in California have challenges obtaining funding to maintain their streets and roads.  Historically, gasoline tax was the main source of revenue that funded streets and roads projects.  From 1963 to 1982, the state and federal tax were not indexed (they remained unchanged), resulting in lower revenue with inflation.  Additionally, vehicle fuel efficiency and the production of electric vehicles has increased in recent years, which also have a negative effect on the gasoline sales tax.  In 2017, Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act was passed, which invests $54 billion over the next decade to fix roads, freeways and bridges in communities across California.  Additionally, State and local governments have had more grant money available to utilize towards streets and roads projects.

The Stockton Avenue Rehabilitation Project was able to move forward with grant money received from the Regional Surface Transportation Program, and the Measure K Regional Arterial fund, combined with local City of Ripon funds.


Purpose and Need
Stockton Avenue currently includes a variety of land uses, including: residential, multi-family, office, commercial, light industrial and heavy industrial.  Primarily, Stockton Avenue serves as the designated route for industrial traffic, including a large number of trucks, between Route 99 and the industrial businesses located along Stockton Avenue in Ripon.  Many of the businesses that are located on or near Stockton Avenue rely on this section of roadway to support their transportation needs.  

The variety of land uses have caused Stockton Avenue to be a heavily traveled roadway that is in need of substantial repair.  By widening the roadway to include a middle left turn lane, these businesses will benefit from a more efficient roadway system.  

Additionally, in the future, Ripon plans to construct the Ripon Multi-Modal Station, located on Industrial Avenue.  This commuter rail station is expected to increase vehicular and pedestrian traffic along Stockton Avenue. 
Stockton Avenue Before:
Street 2

Stockton Avenue Before:
Street 1
Stockton Avenue After:

Stockton Avenue After:
Street 1_After
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