Commercial and Organic Recycling

California’s Mandatory Commercial Recycling Laws:

California’s Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy (SB 1383)

Per California State Law SB 1383, businesses and multifamily complexes of five units or more are required to either subscribe to and participate in their jurisdiction’s organics curbside collection service or self-haul organic waste to a specified composting facility, community composting program, or other collection activity or program.  For further requirements please see the Statewide Organic Waste Regulations flyer.

For more information on SB 1383 visit the CalRecycle Mandatory Organic Waste Collection web page.

Mandatory Recycling California Law (AB 827)

Per California State Law AB 827, MCR and MORe requires businesses, public entities, and Schools to provide organics and recycling containers at front-of-house to collect waste generated from products purchased and consumed on the premises.  These containers must be placed adjacent to trash containers and be visible, easily accessible, and clearly marked.  Full-service restaurants do not have to provide containers for patrons, but must provide containers for employees to separate post-consumer recyclable and organics for customers.

For more information on AB 827 visit the California Legislative Information Website.

MORe:  Mandatory Organics Recycling (AB 1826)

Per California State Law AB 1826, businesses that generate 2 or more cubic yards of waste per week and multi-family properties of 6 units or more are required to recycle their organic waste.  Organic waste includes food waste, food-soiled paper waste, and landscaping waste (grass clippings, tree trimmings, etc.).

For more information on AB 1826 visit the CalRecycle Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling web page.

MCR:  Mandatory Commercial Recycling (AB 341)

Per California State Law AB 341, businesses that generate 4 or more cubic yards of waste a week are required to have recycling services.  All multi-family residences with 5 or more units, regardless of weekly trash generation, are also required to have recycling services.

For more information on AB 341 visit the CalRecycle Mandatory Commercial Recycling web page.

Contact information for commercial waste haulers licensed to work in the City of Ripon:

Gilton Solid Waste Management: (209) 527-3781 

Waste Management/Stockton Scavengers: (209) 946-5721

City of Ripon: (209) 599-2151

The following organizations engage in the receipt of edible food and distribute it to the public:

Ripon Interfaith Ministries
100 N. Acacia Avenue
Ripon, CA  95366

(209) 599-3682

Thursday Morning from 9:00 am – 11:30 am

Thursday Evenings from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Accepts:  Canned and Boxed Goods


Ripon Senior Center
433 S. Wilma Avenue
Ripon, CA  95366

(209) 599-7441

Monday through Thursday 8:30 am – 3:00 pm

ACCEPTS:  Non-perishable items and small quantities of fruits and vegetables

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